Thursday, May 22, 2008

Good News...Bad News

Well, the good news is that Nolan is now sleeping through the night. The past two mornings I have woken up and praised God for the 7 uninterrupted hours of sleep that I had just experienced! Have I mentioned that I LOVE sleep??? However, there is bad news...

Nolan is now teething. Oh just shoot me! He is only 13 weeks old but is showing all the signs. Drooling, gnawing on his fist and fingers, low grade fever, loss of appetite, really grumpy for no apparent reason, NOT sleeping through his naps. Need I go on?? All this, and yet no tooth in sight. I am thinking that this could go on for a while. Just when I think I am getting the hang of this mommy thing it all changes on me! At least, to my knowledge, no baby has ever died from teething!! :) 

We love bath time!!

The neck is getting strong!!


meaganbrooks said...

sarah! nolan is such a CUTE baby! i'm sure people say that all the time but i think mom's like to hear that sort of thing anyway :) glad i found your blog- you're so fun to keep up with.
meagan long

Teresa said...

bad news-M started doing that too at 3 months and she was 9 months b/f she cut a tooth. Really, she was not as bad as you wrote so he will probably be an early teether. He'll get back into the swing of things, hang in there!

Graham said...

So cute. Love the strategically placed duck.

Jennie said...

I'm so glad you found us Sarah! Nolan is precious, and thanks for the baby bedding tip!

Redheaded Adventures said...

Hope things are going better and some of those teething tablets are helping. Get some good bibs, some soothing music (for you) and before you know it you'll be the tooth fairy for that hard fought tooth! He keeps getting cuter!

love kkn