Friday, October 16, 2009


I know that I have been a little blog-happy lately, but lets face it, there is a good chance that I am about to be on a forced hiatus. Might as well take advantage of the "time" I currently have.

Anyway, Nolan is still in occupational therapy for his eating issues. I think that it is helping, and mostly I am just no longer stressed out about it. I figure, until someone tells me that he is malnourished, I am just going to go with the flow. One of the things we have been trying to get him to do is dip one food/texture into another and actually put it in his mouth. I finally had victory with apples and pudding. When we were having "therapy" this week, it was getting a little out of control, but he was having a blast and eating. Lets be honest, I wish I could have some of this therapy! :)


Teresa said...

Love that pic (though I hate the thought of cleaning it all up!)!

Redheaded Adventures said...

I think chocolate therapy sounds like a great idea!