Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Today was a day of first's. To start off with, Nolan had his first day of school. As far as I can tell he had a great day. If I ask him any specific questions about his day he totally ignores me- like I never even asked him anything. I think it's a boy thing, and I think this is just a foreshadowing of many many years to come! :)

Before heading to school

How cute is this?? Elliott and Rocky wanted to get in on the action!

Then after his nap we took Nolan for his very first haircut. I've never even trimmed over his ears and I just couldn't take it any longer. We took him to this cute place called Jelly Beans that specializes in children haircuts. If your child has never had a cut the first one is free. Score!! He sat on a 4-wheeler and when he started freaking out about a strange lady coming at his head with scissors she gave him a Mickey Mouse toy to play with. Between the toy and Jerel he was pretty distracted and did really well.

The finished product. He looks so much better. I think tomorrow will be much more mundane. I may take him to the grocery store. Now THAT will be exciting!! :)


Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

He looks cute! And it's definitely a boy thing...Samuel rarely tells me anything about school, but EK LOVES to talk about what she did:).

Redheaded Adventures said...

What a sweet pic with Elliott and Rocky looking outside! a longing look