We had a great Halloween. I have been talking to Nolan for months that he was going to be a cowboy. Sometimes you really have to give this boy a LOT of advanced warning. He doesn't do so great if you spring things on him. He loved it and would walk up to the doors of the neighbors he knows well, take off his hat and say, "Yee Haw!". It was way cute. Jerel took him around our street while I held down the fort and handed out candy with the bumble bee. Elliott loved being in his costume, which I figured he would only keep on long enough for a picture or two. I think he would wear it daily if I would let him. Truthfully, I was going to skip dressing Elliott up this year, but I found this at a consignment sale for $4 and couldn't help myself. I am so glad I did.
On a funny note, one of the boys on our street dressed up like a creepy, evil clown. As he was running down the street in all his candy induced excitement, Nolan was freaked out!! Jerel was very kind and patient and explained to Nolan that the clown would not get him and besides, Nolan was a cowboy, and clowns could never "get" a cowboy. Nolan talks about that scary clown several times a day!! :)
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