Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Egg Hunt


We had our annual neighborhood egg hunt. We had a 100% improvement rate this year. Last year, it was Nolan's first hunt and he got two whole eggs. He would SLOWLY find an egg then SLOWLY open the egg to see what was in it, then SLOWLY put in in his basket. After two eggs the other kids had found all the other eggs. So this year I gave him a pep talk. I informed him that the goal was to get as many eggs as possible- the goal was to WIN! So as he helped me put jelly beans into the dozen eggs that we had to take to the hunt, we talked again about running to find as many eggs as possible and not opening them until we passed out from counting the hundreds of eggs that we he gathered.

The hunt began- he SLOWLY walked into the back yard as the other kids ran past him and managed to pick up four eggs- two of which were empty and had no candy in them. I am thinking that we are going to have to set a training ground in our own back yard this week as I try to survive Spring Break. Lord help me!! :)

1 comment:

Dana and Chris Sheheane said...

um...i'm laughing really hard because that is me. i practically scream at wells to go get certain eggs and run. i'm sure the other moms think, "nice...she is already teaching him he must win" but i can't help it. we are just competitive by nature :) oh, and to top it all off...wells goes for only the pink ones. nice...chris and i are already sending prayer requests for a straight kid. love you friend.