This week Nolan had a Spring art and music show at his preschool. As I was sitting there waiting for the kids to get up on stage I was reminded how much we have loved his school. I picked it on a whim three years ago because I wanted a place for him to go one morning a week for "parents morning out" and it has been such a great fit. He has really thrived in K3, three mornings a week, and next year he will be there four mornings a week. The program goes through K5- so we shall see what we decide about that. Ugh- school decisions can give a girl an ulcer!! ;)
The musical part was really cute and I made sure to 1) have a fully charged battery in my camera, and 2) sit close enough so he could see us and not be so distracted b/c he couldn't find us in the crowd. I am learning!!
This year his school has a full time art teacher that has been wonderful. I am not artsy, and I don't think that Nolan really is either- but I love the exposure that he is getting. Well, I say I am not artsy, as in I don't naturally create art, but I LOVE the arts and hope that my boys develop a love as well. You don't actually have to be talented to appreciate! ;) They kids all worked on a piece of art inspired by Kandinsky that was then framed. They were able to mix the paint and pick the contrasting colors to make the circles "pop". I think he did a great job.
He wrote his name- I think he's getting pretty good!! |
And this is his sweet teacher Mrs. Crane. She has been such a blessing to us. She just loves Nolan and he has flourished under her instruction. They have had seven boys and two girls in their class- she is a saint!! ;)