Thursday, June 19, 2008

New Tricks

Every once in awhile my mom asks me what Nolan's newest tricks are. I feel like he has hit a few milestones this week. Here they are. (FYI, before I had my own child I would ready other blogs that would mention similar "milestones" and I would think, "big deal, so your kid can roll over". Sorry about that, now I understand that it IS a big deal!! :))

He can read!! :)

He likes his Bumbo. Unfortunately he hates almost everything the first few times he tries it. It took a few tries for him to not scream when I put him in this.

Strong buddy!! I sense crawling right around the corner!

Sleeping without the swaddle! This is one of my all time favorite sights!! 

He just loves to stand! It is amazing how little support he really needs from us. Notice the lovely drool spots? Drool is just a way of life around here! 

1 comment:

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

Yay for sleeping without the swaddle!!!!