Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Dancin' Machine
Here are those dance moves that I promised. I shot another video but was dancing with him so the camera work is a bit shaky!! Rookie mistake! :)
11 Months

Yesterday Nolan celebrated his 11 month birthday by watching a lot of the inauguration. He is so politically aware!! :) He doesn't really agree with many (or possibly any) of President Obama's views but he thought that was a spectacular historical event.
11 month milestones:
* Says Mama- but only under duress- like when he has lost the paci in the middle of the night or if he's in big trouble with Dad! :) If I ask him to say Mama he says Baba every time- he just won't give me the satisfaction!
* He dances to music and has some killer moves! Video on that to come...
* Cruises on furniture
* Embraces new food like cheese, whole pears, bananas (finally!), and whole sweet potatoes
* Signs "More". Unfortunately he uses the same sign for "All Done". Just a tad confusing for me
* His hair has had a recent growth spurt. But I don't think that it can be seen by the untrained eye!
Hard to believe that he will be 1 next month. Mostly, I can't wait to turn that car seat around!!!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Everything... what Nolan is into! I do a lot of standing around- or should I say crouching around- to try to keep this active, fearless little boy in one piece. In the last two days we have has a bloody lip and a bit tongue. Good times.

Loves to pull as many books off the shelf as possible. So much fun for me! :)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
These Days
In case you have wondered what I am up to these days, I would like to kill your curiosity. Nolan is determined to learn to climb our stairs. I know it's a good for him developmentally, but I have to just stand there and watch and watch and watch so we don't end up in the emergency room. I have purchased a gate but am, for some reason, dragging my feet on baby-proofing our house. Not a plug has been covered, not a cabinet has been bound shut. I keep thinking that I can just house-proof Nolan, and maybe I will. No worries, the gate will go up when I can no longer stand around- but I will say, he is quite skilled.
Get ready....

Get set...

Monday, January 5, 2009
10 Months

I am trying to play catch up with my blog today. Unfortunately I am a moron and did the most recent post first. Oh well. If you are interested-or really bored- you can keep scrolling to see what we did this past weekend.
Any-whoo...on 12-20-08 Nolan turned 10 months old. Jerel and I keep talking about how freaky it is that we almost have a 1 year old little boy! I can't remember what we did that day but at least I remembered to take a picture to commemorate the occasion! Go me!
Here are some Christmas pictures. I feel like we had 2 whirlwind weeks of family and travel. My parents were here for Christmas. My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew came in the 26th (somehow I didn't take a single picture while they were here). We took my parents to the airport on the 30th and headed straight for Atlanta for Crusade's Christmas Conference (also no pictures- what is my deal???). So glad to be home and back to "normal".
Welcome to Moe's!!

Proud and toothy!!

This weekend Nolan had his first kid's meal. We went to Moe's armed with a "kids eat for free" coupon and hoped for the best. He was so great and loved the cheese quesadilla. I loved the diet coke that came with his meal and Jerel loved the cookie. This kid is almost saving us money!! :) Maybe we will venture out with him some more.
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