Yesterday Nolan celebrated his 11 month birthday by watching a lot of the inauguration. He is so politically aware!! :) He doesn't really agree with many (or possibly any) of President Obama's views but he thought that was a spectacular historical event.
11 month milestones:
* Says Mama- but only under duress- like when he has lost the paci in the middle of the night or if he's in big trouble with Dad! :) If I ask him to say Mama he says Baba every time- he just won't give me the satisfaction!
* He dances to music and has some killer moves! Video on that to come...
* Cruises on furniture
* Embraces new food like cheese, whole pears, bananas (finally!), and whole sweet potatoes
* Signs "More". Unfortunately he uses the same sign for "All Done". Just a tad confusing for me
* His hair has had a recent growth spurt. But I don't think that it can be seen by the untrained eye!
Hard to believe that he will be 1 next month. Mostly, I can't wait to turn that car seat around!!!
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