Monday, April 16, 2012


I have two boys and therefore need a place for them to dig. There is a place under their swing set that would work for a sand box- there are just a few problems. 1) I hate sand! As in- I grew up in Florida, at the beach, and hate sand. Hate how it sticks to everything, hate how it's always in your shoes, and then in your house. Hate it!! 2) We have a outside cat and I don't want him to use it as a litter box and not real sure how to keep it covered so he doesn't use it as a litter box. 3) I hate sand. Or maybe I already mentioned that! ;)

Then I was talking to a neighbor/friend about my dilemma and she told me about a park that she had been to that used pea gravel instead of sand. BRILLIANT!! I sent my sweet husband off to Lowe's and viola!! The boys have been digging non stop and the cat has stayed out! I love a simple solution!!

Bonus Bailey picture!!

1 comment:

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

I'm so doing this! Thanks for the tip!