Saturday, February 25, 2012

So long Three!!

This past Monday my first born turned four. For some reason I am seriously excited about the age four. Maybe because I thought three was going to kill us all! I have no idea why they call it the terrible two's. Three was WAY worse! But I can say that we survived and even thrived at times.

Anyway- onto the big day.

I have a slight phobia of children's birthday parties for many reasons, but really wanted to do something that made Nolan feel special and celebrated. This can be a dilemma. Thankfully my friend Betsy and I had bought a Groupon to a bounce house facility, and thankfully Betsy's son Will is one of Nolan's favorite buds! This was a win/win situation for me (not 100% sure it was for Betsy! :)). It was a school holiday and the place was packed - but I am pretty sure that Nolan thought everyone was there for his party. And, I will let him continue in his delusions!!

We then took the whole crew - 4 adults and 5 small children - to Moe's... on a day where there was no school. It was crazy there but everything worked out great!

Nolan would happily eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at Moe's if we would let him!

Then that night we had, what I like to call, the Senior Citizens party. Because of my phobia you have to be over the age of 65 to be invited to my house for a party! Ok, just kidding - kind of! We had Jerel's parents, my mom, and our dear friends Curtis, Berne and Peggy over for presents, dinner and cake.

Nolan started telling me in November that he wanted a robot cake. I have NO idea where he got that from but he maintained his request for months, so a robot cake he got.

This was for sure the best tasting cake that I have ever made and I think that he turned out pretty cute. Nolan was happy with it and that is all that counts - mostly! ;)

He opened gifts and had a great night.

I love this sweet boy so much. He is funny, witty, has a very sensitive spirit, smart, and a fast runner. He's a lover of books, sugar, and all things construction! He is a really great big brother and the perfect first born for this family. I have loved watching him grow to this point and can't wait to see who he continues to mature into.

So, so long Three. You were a very important age but we are very excited about Four!!

1 comment:

Hank and Anna Uzzell said...

I'm so impressed by your cake, super cute and creative:)