Monday, June 4, 2012

Great is Thy faithfulness!!

A couple weeks ago Jerel and I were talking through a few ways that we have seen God's faithfulness to us in huge ways. We realized that the day we were reminiscing was a year to the day that he had emergency back surgery. When we went into surgery the doctors gave us little hope that Jerel would regain 100% function of his right ankle. He had a ruptured disc with fairly extensive nerve damage. We were willing to trust God with whatever came our way but prayed for total healing. The doctors were amazed by how quickly and how completely Jerel's back and nerves healed. He is now totally healed and doing great. There are days that his back will ache some but he has learned the signs and how to slow down and not agitate it further.

Another area that we are praising God for is with Nolan's eating. I wrote some about his history with eating HERE but basically my sweet child was terrified of food. We survived off of PB&J, grilled cheese, yogurt, apples, and bananas for 3+ years. The state payed for us to have him in occupational therapy until he was 3 and then we were on our own. The last therapist we had recommended that we put him on anti-anxiety medicine for a short period of time so we could get him over the extreme anxiety he had over new foods. I really didn't want to put my baby on medications but his eating was a huge stress on our family so I was open to hearing about it. I talked with a family friend who is a pediatrician and he thought is was a possible good idea and we met with a social worker who thought Nolan could benefit from this medicine and referred us to a psychiatrist. I kept postponing our appointment because I was begging God for wisdom and just didn't have a peace. In the mean time a pediatrician came to the bible study I was in for mom's to do a question and answer time. I asked him about it and he gave a very confident resounding "no way" to the medication. He assured me that Nolan could live off of PB&J for most of his life if he needed to. I immediately felt peace and the issue was resolved. Medication was not the path that God had for us at this time. So, I let it go and didn't even work on trying to introduce new foods for months. I needed a break! I can't even tell you what happened over the course of the next year but now Nolan is an eating rock-star!!! I seriously can only give God the credit for this one. Nolan now eats a huge variety of meats, almost all fruits, three vegetables, and some pastas. That just sounds so normal!! :)

We are so thankful for these blessings in our lives. However, I would also like to say that if Jerel couldn't walk and if Nolan wouldn't eat- God would still be faithful. I know that I would be a fool to base my beliefs on whether or not life goes "my way". Life, thankfully, does not always go the way I think it should. I love that He loves me so much that we will only provide His best. Sometimes His best is really difficult. I wanted to take a moment to thank Him for His faithfulness in these two circumstances!

1 comment:

Maggie Pelton said...

Thankful w you. Thanks for posting its good to see how the lord has worked!