Saturday, September 3, 2011

First Days

It finally happened- the boys started school. Nolan's first day was on Wednesday and he had a great day. It was so funny- Jerel was off this week and so we all loaded up the family truckster and drove him to school. This is our first year for the car line and it's a totally different experience. I had talked him through exactly what would happen and how he would get to his room. We crept up to the front of the line, I reached back and got him unbuckled, a teacher came and got him out of the car, and the darnedest thing happened- I started to cry!! Did you just read that correctly? I.STARTED.CRYING! I never cry! I was so excited about him going to school, HE was so excited about going to school, this is his THIRD year at this school!! What the heck? I just think there was something very maternal about watching my first born walk into school all grown up without me! I didn't know I had it in me!! :) Then Elliott started shouting "Nowen, Nowen, Nowen!" and crying. Apparently it was a very emotional morning!

Anyway- he did just fine, didn't shed a single tear and had a blast. I really pray that it's a great year for him. Elliott is only going on Fridays and I was nervous that he would wrap himself around my leg and not let me leave his class room. Not quite what happened. He never knew I left (I didn't cry at all btw) and when I came to pick him up he pitched an all out fit because he didn't want to leave. There you have it! Jerel and I went out for a breakfast date while they were at school and did a little shopping. I found a super cute dress for $20. Sending them to school is actually going to save me money! ;)

Nolan's First Day

Elliott's First Day

Apparently he had enough of the picture taking! :)
Sweet brothers!


Betsy said...

i definitely wanted to cry almost every time i dropped catherine off in carpool last year. it does make them seem really big and yet vulnerable at the same time.

Redheaded Adventures said...

I knew you had it in you! They are growing up and have a great Mama and Daddy to love them along the way.