Saturday, September 10, 2011

Our Ham

Elliott is such a funny, sweet, sneaky boy! He constantly makes us laugh and has proven that he's difficult to discipline. Somehow he manages to make disobedience cute! T-R-O-U-B-L-E!!! I don't want to worry too much about what all of this will mean for us in the future and just enjoy our crafty almost two year old!

This is how he was running around the house before school this week. I'm wondering if I will one day see him on the "Hunky Firemen of 2031" calendar. ;)

 Then later that day he was running around the house with this oven mitt on and when it was time for dinner he climbed up in his chair, with said oven mitt, picked up his fork, and ate his entire meal with that huge thing on his hand. Whatever, dude!!

Speaking of ham, this is Nolan eating, well...ham! He is becoming quite the carnivore and we couldn't be prouder!!


Hank and Anna Uzzell said...

this post makes me smile:)

Kimmie said...

this cracked me up. i can see you talking through your writing. miss you. hmmm...wonder where elliot gets his hamminess (is that word) from? i mean you have no personality at all from what i remember...

Redheaded Adventures said...

Way to go Nolan!!!